Job opportunity:
Project Administrator

Image: Paul Caruana collection
Joseph Caruana, ‘il-Gululu’, at his writing desk

Project Administrator

Application Deadline: 16th February

The Magna Żmien Foundation is seeking the services of a reliable, experienced Administrator, to manage the day-to-day administration and project-management of its operations. The Administrator will support the Foundation with respect to maintaining accounting records, seeking funding, and compiling and submitting reports. Additionally, and as resources and needs permit, the Administrator would also support in the organisation of events and projects, and in the management of volunteers and studio time-tabling, and would contribute to the Foundation’s PR and marketing. The Administrator would also be required to administer and attend the Foundation’s Board meetings.

The role is to be fulfilled from the Foundation’s studio at the Valletta Design Cluster, although some flexibility can be negotiated. Hours are calculated at 20 hours per week, mainly to be worked during normal working hours, but this can be negotiated, also to account for evening or weekend events.

The Administrator must have a current Maltese VAT number, and must present a fiscal invoice for each 4 weeks of work, as well as a fiscal receipt upon payment. Payment will be made within a maximum of 2 weeks of invoice presented.

The Foundation can offer an hourly rate of €16, VAT exclusive, for a total of 104 weeks (2 years). The engagement will be on a contract for service basis. After this period, continuation of the contract will depend on funding available.

Some duties and responsibilities are below;

  • to work with the Magna Żmien Team to keep and control an overview of all administration, time-tabling, projects and initiatives being carried out or planned by the Foundation;
  • to monitor budgets and process invoices, including payments to service providers and suppliers, and maintaining overviews of expenditure and income on a regular basis;
  • to ensure that all required documentation and reporting is compiled and submitted regularly, in line with the requirements of funders and regulatory authorities;
  • to work with the Magna Żmien Team to coordinate and monitor work needed for the implementation of projects and collaborations;
  • to support the Magna Żmien Team in the recruiting and managing of volunteers, and other service providers;
  • to support the Magna Żmien Team in organising events and collaborations through the drafting of budget allocations, time-tables and other means; 
  • to contribute to the Foundation’s ongoing PR and marketing where appropriate, compiling material in good time, and ensuring that information is coherent and correct;
  • to research and seek potential funding opportunities for the Foundation, and to work with the Magna Żmien Team to secure funding by submitting applications or requests;
  •  where appropriate, to attend relevant training sessions provided by partners, funders and authorities to better understand more efficient workflows, funding opportunities or other areas of the Foundation’s needs;
  • to serve as Secretary to the foundation’s Board, responsible for reporting to the Board and preparing meeting minutes as needed.

Preferred qualities and qualifications:

We are looking for someone with a minimum of 3 – 5 years in a similar or related position. The below qualities would be considered an asset:

  • Proficiency in accounting spreadsheets, project management tools and office management software;
  • Familiarity with local and international funding landscapes for NGOs and arts organisation;
  • Some experience managing and coordinating service providers, and volunteers;
  • Some experience with events management on a large or smaller scale;
  • Knowledge of procedural and legal requirements relating to NGOs would be considered an asset.

Applications should be submitted by Sunday 16th February by sending a CV and letter of motivation to

Interviews for shortlisted candidates will be held 12th and 13th March.

Please note, we are unable to give feedback on individual applications.