This Gender Equality Plan identifies the responsibilities and actions taken by Magna Żmien Foundation to create an equal opportunities environment, following the guideline areas of the GEP from the European Union.

1. Work-life balance and organisational culture
Magna Żmien is a voluntary organisation whose team members work part time. The administrative team each undertake approximately 20 hours of work per month, which may be undertaken flexibly at any hours that are suitable. A studio and office is maintained, although there are no requirements for regular hours of operation at these premises. The digital archive is accessible remotely, enabling much of the research work to be undertaken outside of the office and of standard work hours. As a registered VO, Magna Żmien follow the Code of Ethics and Good Governance from the Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector.

2. Gender balance in leadership and decision-making
Magna Żmien’s founding members and administrative team include two males (President and Secretary) and one female (Treasurer). Appointments within the Foundation and strategies and activities to be undertaken are decided through a majority vote, as per our statute. An additional administrative role, occupied by a second female, is responsible for research and outreach activities. This role is afforded an additional equal vote in decisions made by the Foundation.

3. Gender equality in recruitment and career progression
Magna Żmien currently employs three digitisation engineers and two researchers (one of whom is a volunteer). All identify as female. Of the 8 people who regularly engage with Magna Żmien as self-employed freelancers and volunteers, 6 are female and 2 are male. The administrative team, digitisation engineers and researchers are all self-employed and invoice the Foundation for their hours of work. We endeavour to recruit engineers, researchers and volunteers on the basis of their technical or academic expertise.

4. Integration of the gender dimension into research and teaching content
Magna Żmien undertakes research on the collections that we work with and share with the public to avoid misrepresenting the narratives within these collections. We frequently engage with interested parties from other VOs to identify themes that are less visible to our internal areas of research and expertise to improve the quality and accuracy of our catalogue.

5. Measures against gender-based violence including sexual harassment
Magna Żmien have regular administrative meetings during which space is provided for any grievances or discrimination to be addressed.

Magna Żmien Administration
8 September 2023